how to download music from Hypem Machine

Hype Machine was originally a music database created in 2005.

Discover the most talked-about music from sites around the world. This is Hype Machine in your pocket. Every day,

If you want to download music track from hype machine , try the “UDownloader”, easy to download music stream from

  • Step 1: Download and install All-in-one stream downloader - “UDownloader
  • Step 2: Run the UDownloader software
  • Step 3: Open Hype Machine website.
  • Step 4: Copy the music link
  • Step 5: click the “Add” button on the toolbar
  • Step 6: paste the music link into the editbox, and click the “Add to download” button
  • Step 7: Wait a few seconds for the music to start downloading.
